



报告题目 (Title):Dissecting the Mechanism of Polypeptide Pathological Aggregation and Functional Self-assembly : Molecular Simulation Studies(基于分子动力学模拟探究蛋白质多肽病理性聚集和功能性自组装分子机理)

报告人 (Speaker):孙运祥 副教授(宁波大学)

报告时间 (Time):2022年11月18日 (周五) 10:00-12:00

报告地点 (Place):腾讯会议(会议号:800-918-782)

邀请人(Inviter):刘俊杰 教授


报告摘要:The spontaneous self-assembly of polypeptides into amyloid fibrils has attracted extensive attention due to their association with numerous human degenerative diseases, physiological functions, and potential applications in biomedicine and bio-nanotechnology. Soluble low-molecular-weight oligomers formed during the early aggregation of amyloid peptides have been hypothesized as a major toxic species of amyloidogenesis. However, oligomers formed during the assembly process are usually heterogeneous and unstable, making their isolation, quantification, and structural determination experimentally challenging. Characterization of these oligomeric intermediates is helpful for both understanding the pathogenesis and anti-amyloidosis drug design, which also aids in the functional amyloid peptides design. In my presentation, I will discuss the self-assembly mechanism of the disease-related polypeptide as well as the functional amyloid peptides based on our prior systematically investigated the aggregation of amyloid-beta, amylin, suckerin, beta-endorphin peptides.