




题目:Data-driven Intelligent Retailing: Opportunities and Prospects(大数据引领的智能零售业研究:机遇与展望)







孙亚程,清华大学经管学院教授,营销系系主任,国家杰出青年基金获得者,青年长江学者。主要研究领域为大数据营销、平台营销和顾客关系管理。在Operations Research, Management Science, Marketing Science, Journal of Consumer Research, Harvard Business Review上发表多篇论文。任《营销科学学报》专业主编,Asia Marketing Journal编委,清华经管管理硕士学术主任。研究成果获教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖一等奖(第一完成人)和北京市哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖(第一完成人)。获清华大学教学成果一等奖及北京市教学成果二等奖。


Advancements in artificial general intelligence (AGI) technologies and novel business models have enabled the emergence of "smart retailing" approaches that allow retailers to expeditiously and proficiently glean insights into customers' offline behaviors, ascertain the efficacy of marketing initiatives, optimize targeted advertising, catalyze in-store patronage, and facilitate brick-and-mortar enterprises augmenting profitability through traffic monetization.

We discuss the technological advancements enabling smart retailing and demonstrate how marketers can glean insights from emerging data sources. We examine a specific case wherein researchers accurately calibrated the societal density within stores at the hourly level, leveraging intelligent traffic monitoring systems installed in 1,800 brick-and-mortar outlets across the shopping centers of a major commercial real estate conglomerate in China.

We find aggregated in-store societal density augments both store visits and revenue, while catalyzing substitution between consecutive shopping excursions - customers are prone to prolong present trips while postponing subsequent ones upon encountering heightened densities. Though greater patronage is observed in outlets with higher densities, increased revenue is derived primarily from members with lower status (and to a greater extent, non-members) while the substitution effect manifests predominantly among members of the lowest status. Finally, suggestive evidence proposes younger, male members with extended tenure contribute more substantially within stores as density escalates, however, the substitution effect remains homogeneous across these cohorts. These conclusions illuminate the holistic ramifications of societal density during and between customers' shopping trips and provide rich managerial implications for contextually-based marketing.
