



报告题目 (Title):Advanced integral equation solvers for the layered-medium scattering problems(分层介质散射问题的高级积分方程求解器)

报告人 (Speaker):殷涛 副研究员(中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院)

报告时间 (Time):2023年9月6日(周三) 9:00

报告地点 (Place):校本部A101、腾讯会议号:509-917-867 (无密码)



报告摘要:This talk will present our recent works on the fast and highly accurate boundary integral equation (BIE) methods for solving the acoustic and electromagnetic wave scattering problems in both two- and three- dimensional layered-medium. The original scattering problem can be truncated onto a bounded domain by the PML. Assuming the vanishing of the scattered field on the PML boundary, BIEs on local defects are derived only in terms of using the PML-transformed free-space Green's function. New regularize formulations are proposed to simplify the calculation of the hyper-singular integrals. A high-order Chebyshev-based Rectangular-polar singular-integration solver is used in numerical implementation. Numerical experiments for both two- and three-dimensional problems will be presented to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed solvers.