



报告题目 (Title):Random Turán problem and Sidorenko conjecture(随机图兰问题与西多连科猜想)

报告人 (Speaker): 聂家熹 博士后(复旦大学 上海数学中心)

报告时间 (Time):2023年9月15日 (周五) 9:30

报告地点 (Place):校本部E408



报告摘要:Given an r-uniform hypergraph H, the random Turán number ex(Grn,p, H) is the maximum number of edges in an H-free subgraph of Grn,p. In the case when H is not r-partite, the problem has been essentially solved independently by Conlon and Gower; and Schacht. In the case when H is r-partite, the degenerate case, not much is known. The Sidorenko conjecture is a notorious problem in extremal combinatorics. It is known that its hypergraph analog is not true. Recently, Conlon, Lee, and Sidorenko discover a relation between Sidorenko conjecture and Turan problem. In this talk, we introduce some recent results on degenerate random Turan problem and its relation to the hypergraph analog of Sidorenko conjecture.