



报告题目 (Title):BRI (Belt and Road Initiative) Academic Opportunities: Empowering Chinese Scholars Globally(“一带一路”之学术机遇:助力中国学者走向世界)

报告人 (Speaker):Ishaq Ahmad 教授(巴基斯坦国家物理中心)

报告时间 (Time):2023年12月5日(周二) 10:30-12:30

报告地点 (Place):校本部 E106

邀请人 (Inviter):马国宏 教授


摘要 (Abstract):

This talk reveals how the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is creating exciting opportunities for Chinese students and professors worldwide. We'll explore scholarships, research funds, and collaborations that empower scholars to shine on the global stage. As Chinese academics engage in international projects and share ideas, BRI becomes a pathway for them to make a big impact on the world. Join us to discover how BRI is helping Chinese scholars grow and succeed globally.