题目: International education in the Asian Century: new models for research-led engagement, China
and Australia
演讲人:澳大利亚斯威本大学副校长Mr Jeffrey Smart
1、Mr Jeffrey Smart,Vice-President (International & Future Students),Swinburne
University of Technology,Jeffrey was appointed Swinburne’s Vice-President (International & Development) in 2009.He
is responsible for the university"s marketing and internationalization activities, admissions, and dvancement. Prior to joining Swinburne, Jeffrey worked at the University of Melbourne and Monash University in marketing and international education. He has a BA (Hons) from the University of Melbourne and an MA from Monash.Jeffrey is a director on the boards of Swinburne College, the Swinburne Student Amenities Association, and serves on the board of ETS TOEFL in the USA. Jeffrey is a member of the executive of the Universities Australia DVC International Committee.
2、Professor Leon Sterling,Dean, Faculty of Information & Communication Technologies Swinburne University of technology
Bachelor of Science (hons.), University of Melbourne
Doctor of Philosophy, The Australian National University
Awards and Honours:1999 - Fellow of the Institution of Engineers of Australia (FIEAUST)
- Fellow of the Australian Computer Society (FACS)
Expertise:Agent-oriented software engineering
International Linkages
Tallin University of Technology, Estonia;University of Genoa, Italy
Case Western Reserve University, United States of America
Bar Ilan University, Israel
Research Groups
for Computing and Engineering Software Systems