Title:Embryonic development of the nervous system controlling reproduction: latestfindings using transgenic technology
报告人:Nancy Wayne 教授(美国加州大学洛杉矶分校医学院)
Dr. Nancy Wayne is Professor of Physiology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. She received her B.A. from Northwestern University, Ph.D. from the University of Michigan, and postdoctoral training from the University of Virginia. She joined the UCLA faculty in 1992. Dr. Wayne has spent over 30 years performing research in the area of reproductive neuroendocrinology. A basic science researcher, she investigates the biology of GnRH neurons in the central nervous system that control reproduction. Her laboratory studies mechanisms controlling GnRH neuron physiology in order to better predict clinical outcomes regarding reproductive maturation and fertility. Dr. Wayne is also a dedicated educator, and is co-chair of the first year medical school course on Gastrointestinal, Endocrine, and Reproductive Medicine. She received the School of Medicine’s 2010 Excellence in Education Award. Dr. Wayne is also Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, focused primarily on laboratory safety.