钱伟长讲坛第57讲/2022 SHU Talent Talk 1 :从物理化学角度看量子科技




时间: 2022年05月13日 13:00

地点: 腾讯会议134-286-990

报告主题:Quantum Science and Technology from a Physical Chemist's Perspective

报告人:Jeffrey R. Reimers教授(8188威尼斯娱人城量子与分子结构国际中心主任、澳大利亚科学院院士)




Jeffrey Reimers教授毕业于澳大利亚国立大学,在Ian Ross和Gad Fischer的指导下研究过有机光谱学,后在Bob Watts指导下研究了水和冰的结构、热力学和光谱学并获得了博士学位。博士后期间,他前往美国加州大学与Kent Wilson和Rick Heller合作研究了半经典量子力学。回到澳大利亚后,Jeffrey Reimers教授从1985年起于悉尼大学担任ARC研究员、教授。期间,他与Noel Hush和Max Crossley开展了广泛合作,研究涉及电子转移、分子电子学、卟啉化学、分子自组装、电子结构理论和光合作用等科学问题。2014年,他全职到8188威尼斯娱人城工作,并开始了悉尼科技大学的合作。Jeffrey Reimers教授主要关注基础物理化学、光谱学、纳米光子学和分子电子学。他的工作涉猎了许多物理化学相关问题,从生化功能到电子器件,乃至意识的起源。他曾获得澳大利亚皇家化学会物理化学奖章和H.G. Smith奖章、澳大利亚科学院David Craig奖章和上海市政府白玉兰奖;Jeffrey Reimers教授是澳大利亚皇家化学会、新南威尔士州皇家学会和澳大利亚科学院院士。

At the Australian National University, Canberra, Jeff Reimers studied organic spectroscopy under Ian Ross and Gad Fischer before doing a PhD with Bob Watts on the structure, thermodynamics, and spectroscopy of water and ice. He then studied semiclassical quantum mechanics in USA under Kent Wilson and Rick Heller, before returning to Australia to be an ARC Research Fellow from 1985 to 2010 at the University of Sydney and thence as a professor until 2013. There he collaborated extensively with Noel Hush and Max Crossley on problems involving electron transfer, molecular electronics, porphyrin chemistry, self-assembly, electronic-structure theory, and photosynthesis. In 2014 he moved to a joint appointment at Shanghai University and University of Technology Sydney, focusing mostly on basic chemistry and spectroscopy, nanophotonics, and molecular electronics. His work spans a wide range of chemical applications, from biochemical function to electronic devices to the origins of consciousness. He has received the RACI Physical Chemistry Division Medal and the H.G. Smith Medal, the David Craig Medal of the Australian Academy of Science, and the Shanghai Magnolia Medal; he is a Fellow of the RACI, the Royal Society of NSW, and the Australian Academy of Science.



Broadly, Chemistry involves the study of how different atoms can be combined into molecules and materials. This includes biochemistry, dominating functions that occur at the cellular or smaller level. In modern times, it also includes silicon-chip technology, as fabrication is now entering the phase where properties of small numbers of atoms control function. The rules of Chemistry differ dramatically from the rules of macroscopic objects as Chemistry is controlled by Quantum Mechanics. This talk will go through different ways of understanding Chemistry, focusing on its quantitative modelling using modern computer software that solve the equations of Quantum Mechanics. It will go through why these equations are needed, what they are, what they mean in terms of conceptual understanding, what some SHU professors that use them do, and hence their relevance to modern technological challenges.


Join us! Everyone is welcome, SHUers and beyond!