



时间: 2022年05月28日 09:30

地点: 腾讯会议

报告题目 (Title):Frobenius-Perron theory of the bound quiver algebras containing loops (含圈的有界箭图代数的Frobenius-Perron理论)

报告人 (Speaker): 陈健敏 教授(厦门大学)

报告时间 (Time):2022年 5月 28 日 9:30-10:20 (周 六 )

参会方式:腾讯会议         会议ID: 471292851         密码:无



报告摘要:The spectral radius of matrix, also known as Frobenius-Perron dimension, is a useful tool for studying linear algebras and plays an important role in the classification of the representation categories of algebras. This talk focuses on the Frobenius-Perron theory of the representation categories of bound quiver algebras containing loops. We find a way to calculate the Frobenius-Perron dimension of these algebras when they satisfy the commutativity condition of loops. As an application, we prove that the Frobenius-Perron dimension of the representation category of a modified ADE bounded quiver algebra is equal to the maximum number of loops at a vertex. Moreover, we point out that there also exists infinite dimensional algebras whose Frobenius-Perron dimension is equal to the maximal number of loops by giving an example. This is a joint work with Jiayi Chen.